Here are some links to blogs for you to look at:
What do they have in common?
Which do you like the best and why?
Is there anything you would like to incorporate into your own blog?
What ideas do you have to blog about?
Here are some links to blogs for you to look at:
What do they have in common?
Which do you like the best and why?
Is there anything you would like to incorporate into your own blog?
What ideas do you have to blog about?
In pairs, have a look at these four websites. Read the information and write down anything that surprises you about what you have read. You will be feeding back to the class about what you have found.
Look at this information about e-safety.
Main Activity – Cyber Cafe
Main Activity – Computer Viruses
Children’s Activity – Staying Safe Online
These are links for you to use in Class ICT only for now. Your teacher will tell you when to use them.