31 March 2015 Blogging Mrs Pitts Curriculum, E-safety, ICT, Information Explore these blogs. Blog 1 Blog 2 Blog 3 Blog 4 Why do people use blogs? What do they have in common? What aspects of e-safety do we need to be aware of when creating a blog? Task: create a Smart Notebook to tell people about the e-safety rules you should stick to when writing a blog.
30 March 2015 Mayan Information Mrs Pitts Curriculum, Geography, History Use this website to find out some Mayan facts. Mayan Facts
18 March 2015 Mathematics Group – 18th March 2015 Mrs Pitts Numeracy Here we can practise our co-ordinates skills and apply our knowledge to different situations. Cops and Robbers Co-ordinates Games BBC Bitesize Billy Bug Dino Dig
2 March 2015 Newspaper Reports Mrs Pitts Curriculum, Literacy Use the resources on the iBoard to write your own newspaper report. Cheese Hurling Goat Rescue Snake Escape